I don’t know if you need HR. Chances are that you are calling me because you know something is not working, you are just not sure what it is that is not working. 9.5 times out of 10, I also will not know what is wrong just by answering your phone call. This is why we need to talk.
Sadly, there is still a perception of HR being paper creators and pushers. Personnel Department, if you will. When an owner of an organization is hearing from the staff or management team that HR is needed, it is unlikely your people are telling you that they want more paper. Something has broken down along the way, and no one can quite put a finger on it, so HR might be the answer. And it might be, but it might not be.
In an organization that has never had HR before, the needs are going to be different than if there has been a focused attempt at providing the Human Resource function. It is seldom I go into a client that has done NOTHING HR”y”. It might not be anything the Harvard Business Journal is writing about, but for the most part, there are some ad hoc processes and programs in place. Culture has organically been created, there are some attempts at policies, performance management is happening at some level…it just might not be up to our exacting HR standards.
So I don’t know if you need HR…but I would sure like to talk to you about it!