Needless to say, I am excited (and a little nervous) to be venturing out via the world wide web with my very own web page. As I become more blog savvy, I hope to educate my readers about emerging HR technologies and processes. On occasion, I may take the opportunity to veer away from such topics and share some insight into some of the more interesting, and titallating aspects of Human Resources.
However, for my first blog entry, I would like to welcome you to my web page, and invite you to look around, and comment as you see fit. I welcome suggestions, feedback and naturally, any and all compliments will be received with delight, and appreciation.
Feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed or bookmark this page. This blog will be updated on a weekly basis.
However, for my first blog entry, I would like to welcome you to my web page, and invite you to look around, and comment as you see fit. I welcome suggestions, feedback and naturally, any and all compliments will be received with delight, and appreciation.
Feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed or bookmark this page. This blog will be updated on a weekly basis.